I only started this blog this year, and I wish I had blogged more to be quite honest, so I'm making that one of the things to work on in the new year. I thought I would write a post today about how thankful I am for everything and everyone in my life. I'm so, so lucky to have the friends that I do, and an amazing boyfriend who may tease me everyday, but he makes me day even better just by being here.
So this year I started my youtube channel, which I know isn't great yet because I don't have the best lighting (or face hehe), but that's another one of my goals is to get a light for it. I really like making videos, even though very, very few people watch it, I'm so grateful for them too.
I thought I would put in a few pictures here for fun and giggles!
Those nights where you hear something you didn't think you'd ever hear and it sends you into an emotional frenzy is one of those nights for me. I always try to keep my emotions level, but sometimes it's harder when you hear something and it just triggers it and you suddenly start crying about it and then slowly other things and you know you're okay but you keep crying anyways.
Dealing with emotions wasn't something I was good at in high school. I went through a lot of crap and a lot of friends and recently some other stuff has happened and it's brought back those old crap memories.
I'm such a different person than I was back then. I will be honest and say I'm still emotional, but I'm stable, and I'm much more confident. I really wish that certain events wouldn't affect us in these ways, but everyone gets hurt now and then, and god dammit does it ever suck. It's like a massive slap in the face each time you try and get back up.
I have a great support system now with some close friends, who I'm very grateful for, as I didn't have many friends back in high school. I think everyone needs someone to fall back on, and I wish I had that back then. Things that happen in your life make you stronger, and if that happens to you too, just know it'll be okay in the end. You're a good person and you shouldn't have someone tell you that you're not important to anyone because that's not true.
I don't really know where I'm going with this post, it was an emotional night and I just want any readers to know that you're not alone and that it's okay to get upset and hurt but you will get back up on your feet, just like other people have done.
If anyone wants someone to talk to, never feel like you can't email me, because you always can! You are all lovely people and deserve happiness!
I really don't know where I'm going with this whole post, but I'm going to end it here. Good night/good morning or day!
I never used to get sick, I swear. And suddenly it's hitting me like a brick, saying "Hey Jena, karma's after you!" I swear it really is saying that. The one upside to not feeling so great is to lay in bed all day, but honestly, when you want or need to get stuff done, it really sucks!
I had to miss my class today and I really don't like missing school, and I know tomorrow I'm going to feel so out of the loop. My brother was sick too, and my mom now isn't feeling so great. I really hope we all feel better soon because this stinks!
I think I might try and do a Motivational Monday post or something of the sorts to get me blogging again. I had thought about doing vlogmas this year, but I decided against it as I didn't have that sort of time and good internet connection at that.
I might also start doing a face of the day and my hair and possibly my outfits. I just need someone to be my photographer, any volunteers?!
Thought I would post even while sickly and say hello and that The 1975 have been the reason for getting me up and going, and if you haven't heard of them yet, please go listen they are lovely! I'll leave the video for Girls below and hopefully I'll be up for blogging again and hopefully of my life and pictures so this blog doesn't seem to empty!
Hello! I'm alive I promise!
I got a little carried away with life and what not, but I'm here now and currently watching my first Christmas commercial of the year!
Yikes! It's time for Christmas shopping! It's harder when you don't have a job and what not, but luckily my family and friends understand and don't expect much.
I thought I'd update you! I posted a video a week or so ago, which I'll link at the end of the post, and I got a few lovely things for my birthday, such as the Stila in the light palette and let me tell you, that is amazing.
I went out for my birthday with a few of my close friends and I enjoyed just spending time with everyone. I can't believe I'm 21! Time flies!
I plan on making a post about a few of my favorite fall and winter items just all around? Or would you guys like for me to make a video or maybe do the fall tag?
I'm not sure yet but I want to try and make a video once a week because I've been slacking lately. I'm hoping to get a few film-y like things for Christmas :)
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed your October and your last weekend that just passed!!
(it wouldn't let me find the video so this is the link for my channel) http://www.youtube.com/user/jenalouisefinch/videos
So it is almost October, which means, my birthday is in 14 days! My birthday falls on Canadian thanksgiving this year, so my birthday will be a little less important than thanksgiving, but that is alright with me! We normally get to pick what we want to eat for dinner, or where we want to go, and my parents said I can still pick a place, but turkey on my birthday? Couldn't get any better than that!
I used to have no friends with birthdays in October, so I always felt like the youngest, but now I've met so many more people that have later birthdays than me, so finding that out doesn't make me feel so young!
I'm planning on going out with a few friends and my boyfriend is coming down too, next weekend (or more so this upcoming weekend), and I have NO idea what to wear?! I was thinking a skater skirt with a top but I don't know?
If anyone has some lovely ideas, please tell me, as I'm stumped! We're going to a 'club', haha I hate that word club, but we are going out to dance, and I haven't been out in so long.
Oh, and btw, if anyone is wondering, I'll be turning 21, so it's not like my 19th where it's super special, but I'd still like to look nice, if you know what I mean ;)
I hope you're all having a lovely weekend!
Toodle-doo! x
I will admit, it was nice to step out of my comfort zone for a little while. I knew I had something 'wrong' with me, as I like to call it, and when I saw Zoe write about her panic attacks, I knew I wasn't alone. It's hard to get through, but I loved that I got to spend the whole weekend walking around with Mike and just enjoying being together. We cooked, we walked, we went to the mall, we watched some tv, we just had a really great time.
I did take a few shots of one of the bridges, and part of Vancouver

Sorry for the quality, they are just webcam photos, my apologies.
Anyways, I thought I'd update you guys, not really, but just make a little post.
I've been dogsitting on and off (much longer story than what i intended on for today's post), and currently I am here for the weekend. He just sleeps, so really, there's hardly anything to do, and with the boyfriend away, and not many friends, this results in me sitting at 'home', and now blogging. Today a girl in my course talked about how grateful she is for everything, and I realized I don't say that enough. I am so beyond grateful for everything I get. Sometimes I worry I don't really sound grateful enough for the things that I do have, and for the friends that I so luckily have. (and the boyfriend, of course)
To anyone that does read this blog, I really am thankful that you do. I didn't think that anyone would ever read me blabble on about my life and what not, but if you do read this, you are amazing and thank you!
I'm also grateful for my family. My dad is in the Navy, and goes away a lot and it's hard. I honestly have no idea how my mom does it, and doesn't break down every day. The boyfriend is in Vancouver for four months for his coop, and it's been a week and I miss him so much, but it just makes it even more exciting during visits.
♥ I smiled at least ten times already today
♥ I am in love with the new 1975 album and it is currently on repeat
♥ I am broke and that's going to be okay with me
♥ Fall is almost fully here and that makes me happier than ever
♥ I hope you smile at least three times today
Anyways, I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I'll probably post again this weekend!
Toodle-doo! xo
If any of you know me, you'll know I love, love, love fall. I am a huge fan of tea and blankets and the large sweaters that make you look like the coziest person in the world. Now I don't have any as of right now, but trust me, I plan to go out and get many more. I had one large big over sized sweater, but my dog decided it was tasty, so it didn't last long. I have so many favorites in fall, and all these pictures are just from google, I'm sorry I'm not artsy enough.
These are my favorite types of sweaters during the fall and winter
So today, after dinner, I decided that I wanted to go blackberry picking. I often find myself munching on some as I pass a bush on my way to or from class, so I thought going with a bucket and a purpose more than just shoving them in my face would be a good idea.
I took my brother, who is 12, and he tagged along, deciding he was going to eat more than pick. Either way, we actually had a really fun time, and I brought my camera along with me, so I could share with you lovely folk! Who uses the word folk anymore? Anyways, here we go!
I can honestly say I had always said I would never talk about my boyfriend on something like this, fearing that I would jinx something and it suddenly wouldn't work out. But, I'm positive that won't happen. So this little, very late, post is about that little somebody.
I shall give you some background on him. His name is Mike, that's pretty much all I'll mention (no crazies please), and we met online. People talk about 'meeting online' and most say it's really scary and not a good idea. Then some, on the other hand, find it's the best way to meet someone. I was bored, and I was tired of people around me finding someone, and I was scared that I wasn't going to find someone at all. So I googled some online dating sites, and spoke to a few friends in person and got a feel for what was a good website to use, and told a few people so they knew what was happening if anything serious happened to me.
Anyways, I dated someone for about a month or two, and that one didn't work out. I gave up. I decided that no one was going to like me for me, and someone that wasn't going to get me. I'll admit and say I was jealous of my friends. I was. So I went back online. I tried a new username, set my location and messaged a few people.
I, ironically, messaged Mike first because he had mentioned Game of Thrones in his description, and well of course I had to mention it. Low and behold, about a month later, we met up. We went to his house, which wasn't far from mine, and I know, I know, one of you will be thinking "public area!!" but in all honesty, it was safe and busy where we were. If anything happened, I would have received help. We watched the Hobbit, and he made me dinner. It took a while for both of us to get comfortable and not so nervous around one another. Once he played some music while we were making dinner, and I knew he was just great by his music taste. After that, we talked about music for about a good hour, sharing artists and favorite songs.
This was in March, we starting talking in Feb. When I met his mother, she asked us how long we've been dating, and he quickly replied "5 months". I had no idea he counted as when we were seeing one another as the term 'dating'. Either way, when we spent the day together a few days ago, he said we'd been dating six months and it made him really happy. He had never been in a relationship before, and I'm really happy to say I'm his first (and in my opinion, hopefully his last), he is the best boyfriend. He is just himself around me, and I'm myself around him. I don't think I could compare us to a couple from TV or whatnot, but we are both nerds of some sort, and we both don't care.
Right now, he's sitting and playing League of Legends with his headset on, gaming away, and I'm here writing this post while sitting on his unbelievably comfortable bed. I am happy. I haven't said that in so long, and I love feeling just so happy and content with life. I thought you all should know someone very important to me.
Toddle-doo! xo
Hi guys, I hope you guys are doing wonderfully! I just thought I'd show you guys a little OOTD that I wore just yesterday for my friends Grad Party BBQ! I've known her since she was 11, and I was 13. A little crazy, huh? But anyways, I'm sure you guys don't really need to hear all that story, (although it's a pretty good one) I'll insert some pics from yesterday!
This is what I wore:
Hello! So I decided to go out shopping the other day, and it may have led to a few purchases! Regardless of how upset my bank account is with me, I finally went to the Mac stand and may of bought a sneaky purchase of one of their eyeliners. I went with "coffee" for the color, and I found that once I got home I loved how well it applied but it seemed to "fall down" as the day went on.
Honestly, moving back to my parents house was probably the best choice I could have made at this point in my life. I'm going to be starting school and then if I were to be living alone, rent would be around 700$ and that is honestly just too much for me to handle with schooling and my job where I won't be able to work 40 hours. Anyways, we moved me today and I got everything unpacked! Hallelujah! It's pretty much all set up, and I've found a pretty good camera I want to purchase so soon I'll be up with those videos! I just need to find a good program for windows for editing videos because the few programs I've tried have all just failed me.
I bought myself (finally) a hair donut and it's going quite well actually! I used to just use a sock but it didn't really like my hair and my hair wouldn't seem to stay, so I invested in one of those little things and this was the result
Hello everyone! Long time no see; whoops on my part! I got a little busy with working up to nine hours everyday and then going off to see a boy, (ouuu) but I'd thought I'd post something like this, after going through Louise's (sprinkleofglitter if you don't already know, and if you don't, that's sad) blog and I saw her one 25 facts post and I thought I'd do the same!
- I like to lay in bed for about 5 minutes before getting ready for work in the mornings.
- I have Harry Potter posters in my bedroom; don't judge.
- I work at H&M, and I do actually enjoy it
- I want to work with kids in the future and I'm planning on going to school for it this early summer
- Coffee calms me in the mornings so I'm not so stressed out
- I am a cuddler. I'm sorry
- I take way too many pictures of myself; I worry sometimes
- I do enjoy cooking when I can actually hunker down and do so
- I sometimes snore; whoops
- I think that I actually should have been born in the UK as I love everything to do with it
- I love to travel
- I love quiet time with just myself and preferably internet connection but even the ocean is a good getaway
- I am a water baby, swimming is one of my favorite things ever to do
- I have never once met a celebrity
- I used to have a dog named Buster and he was my first best friend
- I was really shy in high school and never had any friends but now I have way too many
- I annoy the crap out of my friend Samantha by sending her videos of me singing some stupid song ( most likely one direction don't hate) and yet she still loves me
- The second my nail chips when they're painted I have a bad habit of peeling the polish off
- I look up to my friend Sylvia for everything fashion wise because I cannot seem to dress my own body shape on my own so she is my favorite person for this reason
- I love both cats and dogs. If you make me pick, I just might cry
- I have a 12 year old brother, which leaves nine years in between us
- He is my favorite person in the entire world even if he annoys the crap out of me most times, I love him way too much
- My parents are still together and they still go on dates and it is honestly the cutest thing and I am one proud daughter
- My dad is in the Canadian Navy so when he goes away I have my days where I just sit and cry because him and I are so close
- I like mashed potatoes way more than any normal person should.
Hello again! It's been a while, whoops on my part! I've been so, so busy with work lately I haven't had much time for anything! Which is why I'm calling this post "break" because that's what I need more than anything. I just got back home from going to Vancouver for the night to see Imagine Dragons, which was INCREDIBLE, and if anyone is interested in photos or anything, just leave a comment! I would love to make a long post about it but I'm not actually sure who would be interested in it. Anyways, I recently watched Zoe's (zoella as you all know her) video on a pamper night. And that has been my best friend since my store opened. I've been working non stop and my feet have been killing me! I took some of Zoe's little lovely tips, and even though the place I'm currently living has a horrible ugly bathtub, I still took a nice soak with some lush bar mixed in there. I must say, relaxing like that helped me so, so much. I was able to calm down and enjoy myself for a little while without being stressed out.
I shouldn't be complaining much about work, I know people work much more and much harder, but seeing as it's such a step up from what my old job was giving me before and it's still the first month of us being open and people are still pouring in everyday; it's exhausting as heck!
So if you're ever having one of those days, take a relaxing bath. Wash your face, hair up in a bun, maybe grab some nice music or anything like that, but just enjoy yourself. It's helped me a lot more the last week and a bit! Also taking three days off was beyond wonderful!
I do want to make a post about my sort of everyday makeup routine, but I'm not sure yet. I don't have any fancy brands of makeup products, but I just want to show you the types of things I use and what I really love and any feedback on that would be amazing if you guys wouldn't mind!
Anyways, I will leave you with this wonderful picture of Dan Reynolds, who is the lead singer, if you aren't sure, and it was just taken with my iPhone but it sort of shows where we were. Which was actually right along the barrier to the stage along the left hand side, I touched him. We will leave it at that!
I've had the same hairstyle for the past few years and I want to change it up, so I tried a middle part! I don't really know how I feel about it, but this is what it looks like.
So since I'm currently dog sitting and bored and everything I figured I'd make another post! Basically one of my dad's friends needed someone to dog sit for a month and she said she would pay me 400$ which is really awesome since I really could use that money for rent and saving up for moving in a year or so! Anyways, she asked me to sort of live at their place for the month and go home every little while and what not, which I will do. But the dog is a greyhound and I'm not usually a fan of short haired dogs, but he is so nice and cute and he's old so he walks slow but he loves sleeping!
I'm also going to make a video tomorrow since I made one last Monday, and someone asked me to make a "what's in my bag" video, but I'm thinking of putting a twist on it maybe. We'll see! I'll for sure have some coffee in that video because these wonderful people have a Keurig and it's a starbucks blend; I'm very excited!
I also thought I'd share a few favorites right now. I don't have any pictures, so I do apologize! Right now I've been loving this new Abby Road mug I got from Winners. I know that's a random for a favorite but honestly it's so perfect and being a huge Beatles fan, it fits perfectly with my other mugs. I also got a sample from Estee Lauder and it was a sample mascara and I have to admit I'll be going back once this sampler is done for the mascara. It's so wonderful; I did mention it in my video, so you can always check that out here if you'd like! I've also bought a few new tops when I was in Vancouver and I did get a few needed but yet not needed things? I do need some new clothes for when the store opens but I also didn't really, really need them. Oh well, they are comfy and I will use them. I love, love my GEEK shirt from Topshop with the rolled sleeves and the material is just beyond comfortable. I may have also downloaded (illegally, WHOOPS) the Hobbit soundtrack. I'm all little bit of a nerd if I'm being honest, and the soundtrack album is just amazing. It's good for sleeping!
Anyways I should go to bed now; I'll make that video tomorrow and it'll be up sometime during the day I hope! Good night to any readers out there :)
So I'm currently sitting in my hotel bedroom and the bed is amazingly comfy. I thought I'd share with you guys, (if there is anyone that is) what the hotel looks like so far!
I have a two bedroom room yet I'm the only one here which is weird and since it's for my H&M training you'd think that they would stick us in a room together but luckily they did not.
So I'm so excited for this coming weekend because I'm going to Vancouver for my H&M training and I'm meeting up with my good friend for shopping during Friday afternoon and we're going to Topshop and I've been wanting to go there so badly after looking online for so, so long! I don't know what I'm looking for or if I'll get anything but I'm still super excited because it should be such fun! I will probably make a haul video once I'm back that weekend and show you all the things I've bought and probably some other things I've bought but already worn!
I've been dying to make a video for you guys, even though I don't have many or any readers, I still want to, but my camera sucks and I don't have a tripod so I'll have to see what I can do for the time being!
Anyways, if you guys (if there are any readers) have any ideas for me for things to get while in Vancouver or even tips on how to use cameras without a tripod, that would be lovely!
I hope you have a great weekend :)
This post is more so of a 'rant' than anything. It's just something I need to get off my chest or just talk about in general because I feel like I see way too much of "I'm too fat" when the person saying that is a size 4.
I'm not going to bash anyone's body type because honestly that's just plain rude but I just feel like we should all love ourselves! I was watching Louise's (sprinkleofglitter she's amazing) body confidence video the other night and I 100% agree with her. We only get this one body and yet even though we're told to love our bodies, magazines and the rest of media just don't help any of us really.
I found myself wearing hoodies and jeans instead of the cute shirts I really liked and cute jeans or leggings or tights and a dress because people would say I'm too fat or I have too big of hips for those types of clothing. I pretty much said 'screw you' at the beginning of this tear and thought to myself that I really should love myself and wear what I want to wear instead of what other people say I should wear.
Yeah I have big hips and big bones but I've worked out and it all turns to muscle on me. I'll never get rid of my hips no matter how much I work out, so I realized I should accept me for me and love my body no matter what because it's not going to get replaced! I just wanted to make this because I know so many of you out there think the same thing about your body, but we should really tell the media to go away and let ourselves shine through. I have a 15 year old cousin and she told herself to stop reading those magazines because they made her feel like rubbish every time she read them and so she made herself her own book basically making her feel good about herself everyday. I think we should all make something like that. Something as a reminder that we are pretty, no matter what shape or size or color or anything!
The point of this post is to remind yourself it's okay to feel good and pretty! Don't think you're being too self absorbed when you think you look pretty in an outfit because you probably do. I started to be hard on myself when I would look at celebrities or anyone and I would pick out the things on them that I didn't have but they're probably wishing they had something that I do have. We all want what we don't have but for once I'm actually happy with what I have. I like my body, or at least I'm slowly starting to like it more. This is a huge step for me since I wasn't anywhere near thinking that in high school. I found clothes that I love and that I can wear and feel good.
I hope you all think about what good features you have about your body or anything else and maybe take it in to consideration that what you have is perfect.
If any of you want to talk about this or anything else you can always email me at jena.richelle@gmail.com :)
I hope this helps you somehow and I hope you smile at least once today!
Hi there, this is going to be a bit strange writing out a blog post but honestly I think it's what I need right now. I won't bore you with too much because that's not really that fun, now is it? Basically while I have time off I'm going to be posting whenever I can on things I've bought, things I want to wear or am wearing to work and what not.
So basically I made myself a promise that I would dress in the clothes I like to wear and instead of the clothes people tell me to wear. I have larger hips so I get heck a lot for wearing skinny jeans and what not but I used to care but this year I want to be myself. I think it's stupid that I felt like that so hence this promise to myself. I recently got hired at H&M since they're finally adding one to Vancouver Island and I figured I should step up my game on clothes and makeup even if I'm basically broke!
I bought this dress from Forever 21 and I apologize how I have the dress I'm just having a bit of a dilemma right now where I can't find my batteries for my camera so this one I had taken to send to my friend.