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This post is more so of a 'rant' than anything. It's just something I need to get off my chest or just talk about in general because I feel like I see way too much of "I'm too fat" when the person saying that is a size 4.
I'm not going to bash anyone's body type because honestly that's just plain rude but I just feel like we should all love ourselves! I was watching Louise's (sprinkleofglitter she's amazing) body confidence video the other night and I 100% agree with her. We only get this one body and yet even though we're told to love our bodies, magazines and the rest of media just don't help any of us really.
I found myself wearing hoodies and jeans instead of the cute shirts I really liked and cute jeans or leggings or tights and a dress because people would say I'm too fat or I have too big of hips for those types of clothing. I pretty much said 'screw you' at the beginning of this tear and thought to myself that I really should love myself and wear what I want to wear instead of what other people say I should wear.
Yeah I have big hips and big bones but I've worked out and it all turns to muscle on me. I'll never get rid of my hips no matter how much I work out, so I realized I should accept me for me and love my body no matter what because it's not going to get replaced! I just wanted to make this because I know so many of you out there think the same thing about your body, but we should really tell the media to go away and let ourselves shine through. I have a 15 year old cousin and she told herself to stop reading those magazines because they made her feel like rubbish every time she read them and so she made herself her own book basically making her feel good about herself everyday. I think we should all make something like that. Something as a reminder that we are pretty, no matter what shape or size or color or anything!
The point of this post is to remind yourself it's okay to feel good and pretty! Don't think you're being too self absorbed when you think you look pretty in an outfit because you probably do. I started to be hard on myself when I would look at celebrities or anyone and I would pick out the things on them that I didn't have but they're probably wishing they had something that I do have. We all want what we don't have but for once I'm actually happy with what I have. I like my body, or at least I'm slowly starting to like it more. This is a huge step for me since I wasn't anywhere near thinking that in high school. I found clothes that I love and that I can wear and feel good.
I hope you all think about what good features you have about your body or anything else and maybe take it in to consideration that what you have is perfect.
If any of you want to talk about this or anything else you can always email me at :)

I hope this helps you somehow and I hope you smile at least once today!

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