FOTD & being grateful
Sorry for the quality, they are just webcam photos, my apologies.
Anyways, I thought I'd update you guys, not really, but just make a little post.
I've been dogsitting on and off (much longer story than what i intended on for today's post), and currently I am here for the weekend. He just sleeps, so really, there's hardly anything to do, and with the boyfriend away, and not many friends, this results in me sitting at 'home', and now blogging. Today a girl in my course talked about how grateful she is for everything, and I realized I don't say that enough. I am so beyond grateful for everything I get. Sometimes I worry I don't really sound grateful enough for the things that I do have, and for the friends that I so luckily have. (and the boyfriend, of course)
To anyone that does read this blog, I really am thankful that you do. I didn't think that anyone would ever read me blabble on about my life and what not, but if you do read this, you are amazing and thank you!
I'm also grateful for my family. My dad is in the Navy, and goes away a lot and it's hard. I honestly have no idea how my mom does it, and doesn't break down every day. The boyfriend is in Vancouver for four months for his coop, and it's been a week and I miss him so much, but it just makes it even more exciting during visits.
♥ I smiled at least ten times already today
♥ I am in love with the new 1975 album and it is currently on repeat
♥ I am broke and that's going to be okay with me
♥ Fall is almost fully here and that makes me happier than ever
♥ I hope you smile at least three times today
Anyways, I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I'll probably post again this weekend!
Toodle-doo! xo