Birthdays, birthdays!
12:48So it is almost October, which means, my birthday is in 14 days! My birthday falls on Canadian thanksgiving this year, so my birthday will be a little less important than thanksgiving, but that is alright with me! We normally get to pick what we want to eat for dinner, or where we want to go, and my parents said I can still pick a place, but turkey on my birthday? Couldn't get any better than that!
I used to have no friends with birthdays in October, so I always felt like the youngest, but now I've met so many more people that have later birthdays than me, so finding that out doesn't make me feel so young!
I'm planning on going out with a few friends and my boyfriend is coming down too, next weekend (or more so this upcoming weekend), and I have NO idea what to wear?! I was thinking a skater skirt with a top but I don't know?
If anyone has some lovely ideas, please tell me, as I'm stumped! We're going to a 'club', haha I hate that word club, but we are going out to dance, and I haven't been out in so long.
Oh, and btw, if anyone is wondering, I'll be turning 21, so it's not like my 19th where it's super special, but I'd still like to look nice, if you know what I mean ;)
I hope you're all having a lovely weekend!
Toodle-doo! x