Hello you lovelies.
I would like to have a rant today. I have noticed recently, actually the last few months, that certain youtubers have been getting A LOT of hate for no reason. Zoella has recently posted a blog post on why she stopped daily vlogging and her views on the hate that she gets. As a constant viewer, I see the hate from that viewer perspective. It makes my stomach turn, reading the crap that people write in the comments. It actually makes me dread even watching the videos! Of course I still do, but I avoid the comments at all costs. Usually, I will check the comments to see if anyone mentioned something from the video, but almost every time, I've been stopped by all the hate.
There is a choice. There is a choice for you to pick to NOT post that comment you are writing. The fact that you even think that it's ok for you to write "I hate you. You are so annoying. Why do people even watch you?" or "You don't know how to parent!" is ridiculous. Honestly, you are only setting yourself up for more shit to come your way. I think the majority of the youtubers I watch, are getting hate right now. One of them because she made friends with a very popular youtuber. Another because he can't control how his meet up/signings go. Another get shit because of how they parent! Have you ever thought that people are sharing their lives because they want their subs/fans to feel involved and you're just ruining those special moments for them.
Every comment I see that is hateful, I will spam it. If you have anything negative to say, WRITE IT DOWN IN A JOURNAL. Do not post that stuff! And don't you dare say that if someone did it to you, you wouldn't care. Because you sure as hell would. I know the only reason most people post this crap is for all the attention, but there are other ways to gain that attention. You are putting bad comments under your name, you are making yourself look terrible and no one wants anything to do with that.
Yes, you will have an opinion. That's great. But saying "you're annoying" is different than saying "Oh, I didn't like the movie Elf." SO DIFFERENT.
I don't know what to do to help stop this hate, other than to block the users and their comments and get the word out to other fans and commenters to stop them. It's not okay, and what they say isn't true. You are hurting people's feelings leaving those comments, and just like Jonathan Saccone Joly said once, "If you don't like sprouts, don't eat them."
I am so sorry to the youtubers that are getting this horrendous hate, and just know that people are out there that understand how upset you feel and want to help.
Rant done.
Thanks for reading!
My boyfriend and I went to this place in Burnaby today called Camellia Tea & Coffee. It was super cute and very busy and the staff was adorable.
I wish I had gotten pictures of the inside! It had such a cute vibe, and it was perfect for my craving of a good hot chocolate.
Mike and I both got a hot chocolate, and I also got an almond berry tart, which was very good.
Hello lovelies! I wanted to blog today, and after taking my hair down, I thought I would show you how I've been styling my hair recently. Not on a daily basis, but mostly every time after I've showered.
I didn't take photos of the before, but I've posted previous pictures of my natural hair. It's very straight, and sometimes has a slight wave to it if I've been caught in the rain. But on a regular basis, it's very thin, fine and flat. I struggle with taking the perfect selfie to make it look bigger than it is. (Maybe I'll save that for another day ;))
This is the end result, I'll show you a photo and explain from there. Probably the easiest heatless (somewhat) style ever.
Hello lovelies! I thought I would start a new series for Sunday; a top 5 favourites. This can range from nail polishes, like today, to makeup and to clothes. Even music and or book favourites. if you would like me to go deeper into certain products, let me know.
I'm not sure if I could really rate these polishes by favourites, but I will do my best to give you a short and sweet review.

Hello my love buckets! Yup, you are now called that! I wanted to write this bog post about how I, myself, deal with panic attacks and my anxiety. I feel like more recently, people have been more open about their dealings with anxiety. Which in my mind, is so nice to be able to connect with someone like that.
Everyone deals with panic attacks or anxiety differently than some. Some may also have different levels of both. I would consider mine fairly mild compared to others, but I wanted to share my coping mechanisms with you all. Just last night I had a mild panic attack while at my boyfriend's work BBQ. I can not explain why it happened, as I was totally fine just minutes before walking in the backyard. I had sweaty palms, had a hard time breathing and I felt as if I was getting squished.
I quickly removed myself from the situation and found the bathroom so I could have a few minutes to myself. I texted my best friend Samantha and my other friend Kaitlyn who also understands. I find texting someone and/or talking about it out loud. I found it harder to get over it than I usually do, and that totally threw me off. Once I got home and talked it over with my boyfriend, who really tries to understand how I'm feeling and how to deal with it, I started to feel better.
Basically, what helps me is sometimes fresh air, my own space and something to hold in my hands if I am in a public space. If I get anxiety on the public transit, I usually find something soothing to listen to and try to drink water if I have my water bottle and breathe it out until I can tell myself things will be okay. Lately, Troye Sivan's new album has been the most helpful thing for me in those times.
I find for me, if I have someone to communicate with to get it out of my system. I do know that this will not necessarily be the same for everyone, and that my methods may not help for everyone. It just happens to be the way I've been sorting it out for the last few years that it's escalated. I know some people cannot have caffeine or alcohol if they deal with anxiety, but I'm usually okay with caffeine. I have had previous experiences where I had a panic attack while drinking alcohol. Uusally i'm alright, but it depends on the situation that is around me.
I am very thankful that I do not suffer more severe attacks than I do, and I am so thankful for my friends and my family who are coming to terms with me in this way, and for helping me and trying to understand. If you want me to go into more detail about how I deal with it and more situations, I can do a video on my channel if you let me know!
I know this was another rambly blog post, but I do quite enjoy these. It's like little chats to you but I just don't get a response, ha! I will hopefully be posting more this week, even though i am fairly busy. I hope you all have a great night/morning, and please leave a comment if you have any questions regarding my experiences! I love you all!
I feel terrible. To give you an overview, I have a stuffed nose, a very phlemy cough, (tmi, but it's life) a nauseous tummy, and a horrible cough.
I got a cough/no voice about two weeks ago. From there, it's progressed into a horrible head cold with the worst phlemy coughs ever. I started my new 32 ish hour ECE job this week, and guess what? This girl has not been able to work her first two days. Yesterday I was there for an hour, and I got sent home by my boss. She was very gentle about it, and told me to go to the clinic. They were not open yesterday, and I don't have a doctor yet. Assuming I would feel better after a day of rest, I woke up today feeling semi-ok, and I tried my hardest to push past the horrible feelings in my head and stomach. Another tmi, but just before leaving for the bus, I had a 'lovely' time getting rid of all my extra mucous, and I just knew today wouldn't work out.
I arrived at work and my boss opened the door, took one look at me, and kindly sent me away. She wanted me to make sure I wasn't contagious, and working with kids is really hard if you are sick. I am slowly beating myself up about it, but I do know that she means it in the kindest way, as she doesn't want anyone in the building to get sick due to me. I feel like I am a horrible employee for being sick my first week, and honestly, it is not me faking it. My mom said when I was younger, I got really sick like this and I wound up needing an inhaler.
I went straight to the clinic from work, only to find out they are not open until 1. The pharmacy connected to it was open, so I went in asking, or more like pleading for someone to suggest some medication to me. I now have some lovely Tylenol complete sitting next to me on the bed and one trying it's best to work it's magic on me. The pharmacist told me he's sold plenty of it in the last month, and the majority of it was a recommendation from the doctor anyways. He said I should take the drowsy one and nap when I got home. It hasn't hit me yet, but I'll be napping after this sad, sad blog post.
Basically, I feel like a rubbish employee that can't deal with a cold, but the fact I've gone in both days to try and push it out of my system and forget about it and work, showed my boss that I did want to be there. She told me that and it did make me feel a bit better. I may go back to the clinic later if I see no changes, but I should be better the next few days with this and some chicken noodle soup.
So that is what's happening with me lately. I am a walking human of sickness. And I am trying my hardest to fight it off just so I can finally work full time in my job that I worked hard to get to. I'm praying my energy will be much higher for tomorrow and I will feel up to working.
The pill is hitting me now, so off I go for a little nap. Thanks for reading this nonsense blog post. Hve a great day/week!
As some of you may know, I'm currently living with my boyfriend in Vancouver. We also have two roommates; one his name is Dylan, and the other, her name is Angie.
Angie has a 4 month co-op (like a work term, if you are unfamiliar with this term) and is leaving next month. Dylan has an 8 month co-op, so he will be here until December.
Some of you may be asking why my boyfriend and I just didn't get a flat/apartment together right away, and I had asked myself that too when Mike suggested we live with roommates. It's honestly a great idea to save up some money and have something financially before we do move out in December on our own.
Now onto the main reason I'm writing this blog post. Boy are messy. There's no way to avoid that. Mike isn't overly messy, but has a tendency to leave his 'only worn once' clothes all over the floor. Otherwise, he does his dishes; well mine and his. And he does sweep from time to time, but Dylan does not to do the dishes.
I hate saying this, but I mean it's fine, but you know you live with guys when you come home to a massive pile of dishes continuing to stack up. Angie and I caved yesterday and did all his dishes, but it's like if you were teaching a child how to do their math homework, but then you just did it for them anyways.
I really want to get a white board or something with chores on it for Dylan to see, because it's very difficult to get him to do things even though we have asked. I am OPEN to suggestions please. And while on this topic of suggestions, since Angie is leaving next month, we have another guy coming in. So I will be the only girl, and I am praying I won't be the /dishes girl/. So please, any suggestions to keeping me sane from September to December while living with boys is very much appreciated, haha. Thank you!
I sound like a full blown complainer, and honestly it's not that bad, I'm just trying to get everyone to help so it's not so one sided, if that makes sense.
Anyways, leave some suggestions below for my survival (haha), and I'll talk to you all soon!
"I want a thigh gap." "I want to have a round ass." "I want a bikini body."
Those are all things I've heard girls say in the past, and I have something like that too but except mine goes a little something like this: "I want to feel healthy and fit for myself."
I don't need a thigh gap, I don't need a perkier ass than I already have (I have a large Italian bootay), and if I wanted a bikini body, I'll wear a damn bikini. Who said I had to be "skinny" to wear one?
I decided to workout and eat healthier for myself. Not to loose the weight, but to tone myself up and make my body stronger. I lack the most common muscles to be honest. I am not a strong physical person, and I wanted to change that. I started telling people I was eating healthier and getting an active fitness routine, and they all said "Oh, wow that's great! How much weight do you want to lose?" Or, "What's your weight goal?"
Honestly, I don't even freakin' know! I do not have a weight goal. My goal is for my BODY to feel healthy and strong. That's what I want.
And I'm not saying to girls that want to be "skinner" (whatever that is) that they shouldn't have a weight goal, because sure, that's great. But when I hear "I want a bikini body," it throws me off because no one ever decided that there had to be a specific body type to wear a bikini. Sure, I don't have one, but that's only because I didn't find any that I liked. If I had one, I would wear it. And bam, hello bikini body.
I don't know where this post was going, but I just wanted to say that if you are losing weight or trying to be healthier, that's great! Just think of it as making your body stronger and healthier, and not skinny because I think even smaller framed people hate that term. I know a few very small people and when others say "I want to be skinny," they all say "but why?" Some smaller people struggle with muscle gain or weight gain, and to those, I wish you the best of luck for getting to when you personally feel healthy and stronger. Wow, I probably totally rambled and made no sense. So I will end it here!
I say good luck to everyone who is enjoying a healthier lifestyle, and remember, change for YOU, not because of other people. You are the most important thing, and you should treat your body as if you are proud of it. We only have one body, so enjoy it. Don't wish you had someone else's body because we are all built differently. Just be a strong, healthy version of yourself, and smile. Smile because you are all beautiful.
Have a great day!
Toodle- doo!
I've decided to daily blog now. About my life. About everything! Reviews, my life, stress, anxiety, hair related things, anything.
I'm going to start off with the basics.
So right now, as some of you may know, I have moved and I am looking for a job! I am having the worst time getting a daycare job (as it's my profession), and I have had five interviews, and none have gotten back to me. So there walks in the stress and anxiety. My boyfriend has been paying for my rent and things for me for the last two months, which I hate having him do but I wouldn't be able to do it without him.
So I'm starting to panic. I need money and I've been looking up everything. I applied to quite a few retail like jobs, babysitting ads, the works. I've even sorted through my closet and decided to sell clothes I don't wear!
I may post some on here, so if anyone is interested, let me know and I'll do a blog post about them.
I also got the MAC pro long wear concealer the other day (my boyfriend, what a babe), and I want to do a review on it, so I think I will post on it tomorrow!
Please let me know what you would like to see me blog about because I would love some ideas!!
Have a lovely week!
toodle-doo :)
I moved recently, and let me tell you that from when I was young, I was always in a smaller town with smaller buildings and easy ways to get around. Well I moved to big city Vancouver with my boyfriend two weeks ago, and I don't think my anxiety about getting around the city could be any worse. I hate the fact of transit for hours and I hate how much money it is, when I don't have that money to spend.
I'm trying to look at the bright side of things, and trying to remind myself that it's just like my old home, just bigger, but it's so hard for me to go in blind with these things.
If anyone has tips for dealing with moving into a larger city, please tell me, because I can't seem to do it very well. I just want to feel okay with going on the skytrain and/or the bus and not getting lost. I just want to know where I am and where the buses are going and the routes they take. I'm trying really hard to just go with it and just learn but my anxiety kicks in and then I just shut down.
Maybe one day soon I'll just face my fear, but for right now, just learning my own little area is about as good as it's gonna get.
Please let me know if you all have any other ideas for me because I would love that.
Have a great weekend/week!
Well today I decided to do a blog post on my current three favorite foundations. One is a higher end foundation, one is a BB cream and the other is a drugstore medium coverage foundation.
- It is build-able coverage with a medium to full coverage on me with the right application.
- It gives the face a glowy look and I love it
- You can easily apply it with a foundation brush, in which I like to use the Real Techniques Expert Face Brush, or you can use your fingers.
- It's a good reasonable price range, if you find it in the right place. Some places have it higher up where as places like Walmart have it around 12-15.
- It does cling to dry patches if you do not moisturize before. I have learnt this the hard way.
- It has a weird application if your brush is dirtier than it should be, but this is true for almost all foundations.
- Amazing coverage
- super build-able
- blends well and matches my skin beautifully
- comes in light shades
- leaves your skin glowing
- i could go on and on and on
- I've had this bottle since last October and it has lasted through almost everyday application.
- It's very expensive :(
- It can let in some shine but just use a blotting powder and you're set.
- It's perfect if you like a matte finish
- It adjusts to your skin, or at least to mine
- Blends lovely with your fingers
- Keeps your skin looking like skin
- It's around 8-9$?
- It is a matte finish so can sometimes look too matte and too drying
- Only comes in two or three shades, but it seems to be adjustable(?)
- It is a light coverage BUT it is a BB Cream, so no surprises.
Oh! Also follow me on bloglovin!
Working eight days straight and then realizing that you're working for another eight days without a day off kinda hits hard.
I love my practicum, don't get me wrong, but sometimes working there 40 hours a week and then working the weekends at the same location for a different thing really sucks. My next day off is next Sunday, and I am so looking forward to it. Someone asked me how my weekend was and I just said "I didn't have a weekend. I worked."
And, to top it all off, I was a complete snark to my friend today at work, without even realizing it. She's probably really upset with me now, even after I apologized. I didn't mean to be rude, I'm just tired and not thinking straight and just plain frustrated.
I'm trying to remind myself to be thankful for what I do have and that other people have it much worse than I do, but sometimes, you just gotta have a little meltdown.
So that's what happened today. I had a meltdown. I cried to myself and just sat in my room. It helped a little, although it would be nice to talk it over with someone, but that's alright.
On another note, I am moving to Vancouver, which I think I mentioned previously. It should be good; I'm not a huge fan of Van, but I'll get used to it.
Anyways, I hope you're all doing really well today, and I hope if you are doing exams at uni or college that it all goes great and don't stress yourself out too much!
I am alive!
I wanted to do a quick little blog post basically saying that I will be moving to Vancouver in the next month and a half!
How crazy is that?! I also posted a new video on my channel, and I would love some requests for some ideas please!
I plan to post a review on here in this week and do a little bit more blogging than currently.
OH! also, if you want to, you can follow me on bloglovin! <a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/12034731/?claim=dj4n7md7p74">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
Have a lovely day/night!!
I was trying on different things, and naturally, as you do, I took some pictures. And of course, when you go back and look at them all, you wind up deleting the majority and keep maybe four. I kept two in this case. I always think I look fab in the mirror, and then the camera tells me otherwise.
I was planning to go out for the day, but plans fell through, so here I am blogging about it and going to show you what I decided to wear.
Well I have broken one of my new years rules, which was to blog more, but the last few weeks have been really crazy for me. As the title of this post says, I start my practicum tomorrow. If you don't know what that means, since I'm in the early childhood program, basically, for 10 weeks I go out in the field to a daycare and I basically put all I've learnt from the class into action and make activities for them, and get them to do them and do circle time. You're all probably reading this and thinking "yeah yeah, blah blah blah," so I'll stop now, but that's why I haven't been blogging as much as I would like.
I'm really nervous for tomorrow, but excited at the same time. I don't know how it's going to go over, and I still feel like I should be in class tomorrow morning at 7:30 am, but instead I have to go to the daycare for 8 am. Let's just say that my body doesn't like to sleep in without giving me a headache now. I feel like a mom, ha, jokes.
I thought I'd throw in a very crappy webcam picture of my FOTD today.
Sunday funday is really just sunday chores day. I went up island to visit my best friend Sam for her birthday on friday, which was most excellent, let me say. Then yesterday evening I went to stay at my boyfriend's place for the night, and I really didn't get anything done there to be quite honest, but it was really nnice and relaxing, even though he just gamed for the majority of it.
We did, however, try and cook. When I say try, I mean try out different things. He's a great cook actually, he thinks that I don't like his cooking, but I really do. He's probably better than I am. Anyways, we tried out to make our own "chips" or more like sliced potatoes baked in the oven for fourty minutes. I had managed to cut a few really thin pieces, but other than that, they were just like round potato slices, but they were good!
Today, being a Sunday, after getting off my ass and stopped watching youtube videos, I did some laundry and tidied up a bit, and helped my mom cook dinner. I do live at home, for anyone wondering. I also cleaned my brushes, which I took a picture of because well, why not?
Or something like that. I was watching Becca Rose's video on her bucket list, and it got me thinking about the things I wanted to do too, so I thought I'd be a little rebel and blog again!
- Blog more
→ I want to blog more often, such as today where I blogged yesterday and today. Regardless of where I am or what I'm doing, I want to try to blog at least three to four times a week, if possible. The posts may not be all beauty, maybe some more personal things and what not, but I'm going to try my hardest! - Stay Happy!
→ This one is a big one for me. 2013 was a great year for me. I met my wonderful, adorable boyfriend and my best friend and I became even more closer than I could even think about. I stayed pretty happy throughout that year, and I want to continue with it. Being happy is one of the most important things to me, and even people that I've meet a few times say that they remember me being so cheerful. - Eat CORRECTLY
→ This is on almost everyone's new years resolutions, but I do eat pretty well, it's just the way I eat. I just need to slow down while eating and add a few more veggie alternatives to my grocery lists and then I'll feel a little bit better. I'm not the type of girl to just drop all meats and really bad fats; heck no! I love food too much, however, I don't eat red meat too often, so I don't feel so bad about eating it when I do. My family always eats lots of healthy grains and veggies, but as Italians, we do like our pasta - whoops! - Get a job after school
→ I'm currently in school for Early Childhood Education, and I start my practicum in one month exactly to the day, and I want to have a job (which is pretty much guaranteed with my current childcare job) and I hope that I do really well with it and that nothing goes too wrong. - Anxiety
→ If you know me and you're reading this, you will know I have pretty bad anxiety. Last year, it got to the point a few times where I would be out with my girl-friends and suddenly I'd have a panic attack for no reason. I just would feel crammed where I was and I didn't want to talk to anyone and I just wanted to go home. I have bad travel anxiety for timing and what not, so I just want to work on that and staying more positive when I feel like my anxiety may kick in. - Go travel!
→ I have some friends that live in Calgary, so this summer I want to go to see them so badly. One of my best childhood friends lives there and I miss her dearly, I haven't seen her in two years and her and her family mean so much to me. I wish I had more money to travel even further, but I don't, not yet at least. I want for Christmas next year, to be able to get myself a trip to the UK or anything like that. - Love myself
→ I'm so not good at this last bit. I used to beat myself up on a regular basis for how I looked and my shape, but I've realized that there's nothing I can do about how my body is shaped; so what I have big hips! Screw you media! I'm going to have big hips and flaunt them in your faces! Having my best friend around and my boyfriend has definitely helped me to love myself a little bit more, knowing that I have people who care about me around. - YOUTUBE!
→ I want to make more videos!! I want to get a new light, or just a good spot for filming and I want just a little more confidence when filming. I hope that it'll work out, but that's one of my goals for this year. I love it when I do film, so I'll get there ;) - Move out!
→ Last year I moved back in with my family when I started school, but the deal was for me to move out in 2014 the summer of, so I plan to do so. And an IKEA trip is a MUST! I am so excited for that, to pick out things for organizing a new place and just having everything how I want them. I do want to move in with a special someone, but it all depends what happens with job opportunities after he's done school this year as well. - Finally- Learn something new every day
→ Whether it be a fact, or like how I learnt how to use my loom, or learn how to film differently or just anything, I want to learn something new daily and write it in a journal.
Oooh yeah, 21 years old and she finally gets those darned wisdom teeth out! Most people I know got them out when they were younger, but both my boyfriend and I got them out when we were 21, so he got his out in March and mine today.
I will start off with saying how terrified I am of needles, and I'm so lucky that the dentist kept talking to me as she put in the needle. I didn't feel out of it at all, and then she said "I'm going to give you some medicine now" and to be quite honest I think that's the last thing I remember her saying. I don't even remember falling asleep, but I woke up in another room feeling a little silly, almost as if I was tipsy.
Before I had gone under, they had covered me with heated blankets, and boy, lemme tell you that waking up with those was the best thing. It was so cozy and I told her that I loved them and she said almost everyone says that.
She said I did really well and that I should recover pretty well, but still swell.
My bottom wisdom teeth were coming in, more so on my left side, and the very back of it was poking through, causing the rest to still be under the gum and luckily I went in before it got too much worse.
I got home and my dad gave me the pill I needed and I felt fine enough to have soup, which they told me I should, so cup of soup it was! I watched some netflix then napped and switched out my gauze a few times. The the pain started, and oooohhh boy did that even hurt. My dad gave me the pills and I ate like two puddings (no shame I was starving cause I didn't eat since 8 am) and I've been up ever since!
I'm waiting for tomorrow to just hit me like a brick, and hopefully my boyfriend will stop by to see me this weekend cause he said he only had his dad when he got his out and no one else, so he wants to come see me and spend time with me as a chimpmunk. Which is probably one of the cutest things ever, and he said he'll bring some soft foods for me and cook me some eggs. (insert heart eyed emoji here)
I may update you tomorrow or Saturday just on the swelling and what not. I've got an ice pack on now which will hopefully help with the swelling for tomorrow. They told me to stay home on Monday from my class so I'll see how I'm feeling Sunday and go from there. If I don't go, they said it'll be helpful for me too, which is nice.
Anyways, I hope this post didn't gross you out at all! I'll post again soon, and I'll probably edit my What I got for Christmas video (which will be up later than most oh well). If you guys have any questions about it or anything let me know!
I might also do a product review on the Benefit pore-fressional and the Nars creamy concealer!
Goodbye lovelies!!
Toodle-doo xoxo