living with boys?
11:47As some of you may know, I'm currently living with my boyfriend in Vancouver. We also have two roommates; one his name is Dylan, and the other, her name is Angie.
Angie has a 4 month co-op (like a work term, if you are unfamiliar with this term) and is leaving next month. Dylan has an 8 month co-op, so he will be here until December.
Some of you may be asking why my boyfriend and I just didn't get a flat/apartment together right away, and I had asked myself that too when Mike suggested we live with roommates. It's honestly a great idea to save up some money and have something financially before we do move out in December on our own.
Now onto the main reason I'm writing this blog post. Boy are messy. There's no way to avoid that. Mike isn't overly messy, but has a tendency to leave his 'only worn once' clothes all over the floor. Otherwise, he does his dishes; well mine and his. And he does sweep from time to time, but Dylan does not to do the dishes.
I hate saying this, but I mean it's fine, but you know you live with guys when you come home to a massive pile of dishes continuing to stack up. Angie and I caved yesterday and did all his dishes, but it's like if you were teaching a child how to do their math homework, but then you just did it for them anyways.
I really want to get a white board or something with chores on it for Dylan to see, because it's very difficult to get him to do things even though we have asked. I am OPEN to suggestions please. And while on this topic of suggestions, since Angie is leaving next month, we have another guy coming in. So I will be the only girl, and I am praying I won't be the /dishes girl/. So please, any suggestions to keeping me sane from September to December while living with boys is very much appreciated, haha. Thank you!
I sound like a full blown complainer, and honestly it's not that bad, I'm just trying to get everyone to help so it's not so one sided, if that makes sense.
Anyways, leave some suggestions below for my survival (haha), and I'll talk to you all soon!