review sunday: top 5 nail polishes
15:38Hello lovelies! I thought I would start a new series for Sunday; a top 5 favourites. This can range from nail polishes, like today, to makeup and to clothes. Even music and or book favourites. if you would like me to go deeper into certain products, let me know.
I'm not sure if I could really rate these polishes by favourites, but I will do my best to give you a short and sweet review.
These are my five.
1. Eternal Optimist by Essie:
This color isn't coming off true to as it is on the nails, but this is one of my favourites ever. If you've ever seen Breakfast Club, or Pretty in Pink, it makes me feel like Molly Ringwald. It's that sort of princess sophisticated pink.
2. Vested Interest by Essie:
As you can probably already tell, I like my Essie polishes. This one is my favorite for the fall time. It's a perfect soft green that goes really nicely with any burgundy shirts and things. I love this one and I only got it last year.
3. Stormy Night by Revlon
I don't know what it is about this one, but in some lights, it's a purple-y grey, and in some lights it's just plain grey. It's just a great fall color staple to have in your collection. I don't know if it is still sold at Revlon counters, as I got it nearly three years ago, and I'm almost out.
4. Blanc by Essie
This baby is a new addition to my collection. It is a pure white nail polish to go with that 90's trend that is back. I remember back in high school, I was an avid Buffy the Vampire Slayer watcher, and I tried a white polish like Buffy had, and everyone assumed I had white out on my nails! Not now, I say! It is such a nice shade of white to help bring out the very small tan I have hidden under my extremely pale skin.
5. Pocket Aces by Revlon
Looks more orange right now, but on the nails it's such a nice red-pink. I want to say it's like a strawberry red, but it's not quite. It's a red but leaning more on the pink-neon side. Some lights it looks very orange, but that's okay! It's one of Revlon's new gel envy polishes, and I quite like it!

I just thought I would do a review today, and since I'm more into painting my nails lately, I figured it would be this.
Let me know what you'd like to see next, and I hope you all have a great Sunday!