So it is almost October, which means, my birthday is in 14 days! My birthday falls on Canadian thanksgiving this year, so my birthday will be a little less important than thanksgiving, but that is alright with me! We normally get to pick what we want to eat for dinner, or where we want to go, and my parents said I can still pick a place, but turkey on my birthday? Couldn't get any better than that!
I used to have no friends with birthdays in October, so I always felt like the youngest, but now I've met so many more people that have later birthdays than me, so finding that out doesn't make me feel so young!
I'm planning on going out with a few friends and my boyfriend is coming down too, next weekend (or more so this upcoming weekend), and I have NO idea what to wear?! I was thinking a skater skirt with a top but I don't know?
If anyone has some lovely ideas, please tell me, as I'm stumped! We're going to a 'club', haha I hate that word club, but we are going out to dance, and I haven't been out in so long.
Oh, and btw, if anyone is wondering, I'll be turning 21, so it's not like my 19th where it's super special, but I'd still like to look nice, if you know what I mean ;)
I hope you're all having a lovely weekend!
Toodle-doo! x
I will admit, it was nice to step out of my comfort zone for a little while. I knew I had something 'wrong' with me, as I like to call it, and when I saw Zoe write about her panic attacks, I knew I wasn't alone. It's hard to get through, but I loved that I got to spend the whole weekend walking around with Mike and just enjoying being together. We cooked, we walked, we went to the mall, we watched some tv, we just had a really great time.
I did take a few shots of one of the bridges, and part of Vancouver
Anyways, to sum this up, I just want to share one of my favorite songs right now.
What have you done recently? Have you tried something new? :)

Sorry for the quality, they are just webcam photos, my apologies.
Anyways, I thought I'd update you guys, not really, but just make a little post.
I've been dogsitting on and off (much longer story than what i intended on for today's post), and currently I am here for the weekend. He just sleeps, so really, there's hardly anything to do, and with the boyfriend away, and not many friends, this results in me sitting at 'home', and now blogging. Today a girl in my course talked about how grateful she is for everything, and I realized I don't say that enough. I am so beyond grateful for everything I get. Sometimes I worry I don't really sound grateful enough for the things that I do have, and for the friends that I so luckily have. (and the boyfriend, of course)
To anyone that does read this blog, I really am thankful that you do. I didn't think that anyone would ever read me blabble on about my life and what not, but if you do read this, you are amazing and thank you!
I'm also grateful for my family. My dad is in the Navy, and goes away a lot and it's hard. I honestly have no idea how my mom does it, and doesn't break down every day. The boyfriend is in Vancouver for four months for his coop, and it's been a week and I miss him so much, but it just makes it even more exciting during visits.
♥ I smiled at least ten times already today
♥ I am in love with the new 1975 album and it is currently on repeat
♥ I am broke and that's going to be okay with me
♥ Fall is almost fully here and that makes me happier than ever
♥ I hope you smile at least three times today
Anyways, I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I'll probably post again this weekend!
Toodle-doo! xo
If any of you know me, you'll know I love, love, love fall. I am a huge fan of tea and blankets and the large sweaters that make you look like the coziest person in the world. Now I don't have any as of right now, but trust me, I plan to go out and get many more. I had one large big over sized sweater, but my dog decided it was tasty, so it didn't last long. I have so many favorites in fall, and all these pictures are just from google, I'm sorry I'm not artsy enough.
These are my favorite types of sweaters during the fall and winter
Again, not my pictures, but how badly would you love to just wear those and have a cup of tea and wear fuzzy slippers and snuggle into your boy or girl or even your dog, I mean those little animals give the best snuggles one could ever ask for.
Also, boots. I plan to go out and purchase some, hopefully anyways, as I am very broke, but I would kill for a pair of these
My toms have finally torn and they have done their time, so it's time to move on and get some new shoes, and those would be them. I just love the thought of those boots with socks like that, tights and a skirt and a shirt with a collar and then a large sweater over top. Now if only I had the money to do so!
I have a few other fall favorites, but those are the basics. I just love it for the layers and the darker tones and browns and greens and let me tell you that burgundy is my new found love oh goodness. I have fallen hard for burgundy, and my friend Mikki can agree with me on this. My whole wardrobe has been taken over by that dang color!
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy your first week back at school, college, or whatever you're doing!
Toddle-doo xoxox